California’s Court of Appeals published an opinion clarifying that a defendant in a petition for restraining order under the state's Workplace Violence Safety Act is entitled to cross-examine witnesses at the evidentiary hearing for the restraining order.
In 2022, gun laws remain top of mind for many Americans, but particularly employers. The Supreme Court ended its 2022 term with a series of bombshell opinions, and one opinion in particular may indirectly impact gun rights in the workplace.
Cities have started to implement their own workplace regulations, an area previously reserved to federal and state governments. The hotel industry, which often is one of the primary drivers of a local economy, has been a particular focus.
On May 27, 2021, in Todd v. Fayette County School District, a unanimous three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed the propriety of a school district’s decision to end a mentally ill teacher’s employment.
One of our employees told a coworker that she is very depressed and contemplating suicide. What should we do to help our employee get the help she needs, and ensure we are meeting any duties we might have as her employer?
The Bureau of Labor Statistics released its Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Report for 2018, finding a 2% increase in fatalities from the prior year, including notable increases in overdoses and suicides at work.