Littler X-celerator Toolkits

When an entrepreneur turns an idea into a viable business, a major step in starting or growing that business is building its workforce. The Littler X-celerator® Toolkit provides employers with resources to help remain compliant with state and federal laws when hiring employees and maintaining their workforce.

Littler X-celerator Toolkit draws upon the vast experience of our lawyers who have helped companies of all sizes with the legal aspects of hiring and managing employees. We have distilled that knowledge and experience and packaged it into a suite of documents that includes key employment templates for both small and growing businesses and guidance on how to effectively use those documents.

Each state-specific toolkit covers the full lifecycle of an employee, including onboarding, maintaining the employee relationship, and termination.

Toolkit Components

While there may be some variation in the contents of the different state toolkits, each package typically includes:

  • An employment application
  • A non-disclosure agreement for candidates
  • A summary of the law concerning unpaid interns
  • A list of permissible interview questions
  • A checklist of documents to review, and a questionnaire with issues to consider, if engaging an independent contractor
  • An offer letter
  • A new hire checklist
  • A template discrimination and retaliation prevention policy
  • A memo addressing personnel file practices
  • Performance management documents (such as a review form and disciplinary notice)
  • A list identifying applicable state-mandated leaves of absence
  • A termination letter
  • A separation checklist
  • Access to the Littler National Employer Library, as well as the pertinent state-specific Littler guide

Littler X-celerator Toolkits to Download

The Littler X-celerator Toolkit is currently available for download for employers operating in California, Colorado, the District of Columbia, Illinois, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Missouri, and Pennsylvania. Additional states will be coming soon.

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The Littler X-celerator Toolkits for California and Florida are also available in Spanish.

Comprar Ahora

For questions regarding Littler X-celerator Toolkits, or to request resources specific to your state, contact us.

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Stephen D. Dellinger

Office Managing Shareholder

Jennifer M. Duke

Director, Littler Learning Group
(617) 378-6073

David C. Gartenberg

Office Managing Shareholder

Katherine R. Hinde

Director, Knowledge Management Client Services

Joon Hwang


Jennifer Jones


Russell J. McEwan


Brandon R. Mita


Aaron Reed

(305) 400-7522

Laurie J. Rust

(303) 362-2870